National Convention

The American Legion will hold its 106th National Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida – August 22 – 28, 2025.

For more details please visit the Dept. of NY Legion website by clicking here.

Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay

Click here for convention information on the national Legion website.

Please check National’s website often for updated information regarding notable items, events, schedule, etc. for New Orleans at

Visit the National American Legion Auxiliary website by clicking the link below:

The American Legion Auxiliary National Convention is our largest gathering of members, guests, and distinguished speakers. The week long event is held annually in cities across America at the same time and place as the convention of The American Legion for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports, conducting other ALA business — and most of all — having fun while celebrating our accomplishments from the administrative year.

 If you’re not attending the ALA’s largest national event in person, be sure to watch the National ALA livestream. Follow on social media @ALAforVeterans for the latest updates.

future national Convention Sites

Tampa Bay, Florida – August 22 – 28, 2025
Visit Tampa Bay

Louisville, Kentucky – August 28 – September 3, 2026
Louisville Tourism

Kansas City, Missouri – August 27 – September 2, 2027
Visit Kansas City

Columbus, Ohio – August 25 – August 31, 2028
Visit Columbus

Indianapolis, Indiana – August 24 – August 30, 2029
Visit Indy

About National Convention

The American Legion Auxiliary’s National Convention can be likened to both a political party convention and a family reunion. Auxiliary members from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, together with members of The American Legion and the Sons of the American Legion, meet annually to set national priorities to guide their organizations in the coming year. We celebrate our successes, present resolutions for a vote, and elect a new national leadership team. Educational sessions and updates from our national committee chairmen provide attendees with valuable tools and information to take back to their departments and units. While at the convention, we also develop new friendships through our common bond of serving veterans in other parts of the country and even the world. The National Convention experience is the Auxiliary at its best.

Auxiliary National Convention Delegates

Delegates to the National Convention are selected by departments. Each department is entitled to send five delegates and one additional delegate for each 1,500 members or major fraction thereof, whose current dues have been received by the national treasurer 30 days prior to the convention. All past national presidents in good standing with their local units are life delegates-at-large. Members of the National Executive Committee are also delegates-at-large. Each delegate is entitled to one vote, and a quorum exists when 60 percent of the departments are represented.