Sons of the American Legion
Detachment Commander
Gaither Espey
Gaither is a 36-year member of the Sons of The American Legion
with his membership being out of Mohawk Squadron 1450, in
Halfmoon, N.Y. His eligibility is through his father Donald R.
Espey who is a Vietnam era veteran serving in the United States
Army. Don is 46-year member of Mohawk Post 1450 in Halfmoon
along with Gaither Jr., his sister Suzy and his nephew Joe.
Gaither’s grandfather, Gaither E. White was also an Army veteran
serving in WW II.
Gaither has held many positions throughout the years on the
Squadron, District and Detachment level. Squadron Chaplain,
Vice Commander, Finance Officer and Commander. District Vice
Commander, Finance Officer, Commander and currently the
District Adjutant. On the Detachment level Gaither served as
Assistant Sgt-At-Arms, Children & Youth Commission Chairman,
Vice Commander for Districts 3 & 4, Membership Chairman and
currently is the Mid-Winter Chairman and Member Training &
Development Chairman.
Gaither is employed by the Town of Halfmoon in the Building
Maintenance Department. Active in many Town activities, you will
see Gaither at the many functions lending a helping hand to
ensure a successful event. Whether it’s a Halfmoon Senior Center
event, or a event in the Town Park, find the kitchen or grills and
you will find Gaither.
Gaither volunteered with the Halfmoon-Waterford Fire District for
20 years. Was a NYS Certified First Responder for 12 years and
served as Assistant Chief.
A lifelong Halfmoon resident, Gaither just finished his 4th year as
his HOA Vice President for the Condo community where he