The American Legion Auxiliary is excited to offer many great scholarships.
Click on the name of each scholarship to learn more and access the application. Please remember that all scholarship applications must be accompanied by a
1. Department Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
2. Department District Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
3. Raymond T. Wellington Jr. Memorial Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
4. MaryAnn K. Murtha Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
5. Helen Klimek Student Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
6. Past President’s Parley Scholarship (Due March 1st) PDF Version
7. The Cerullo Memorial Scholarship Fund (Due May 1st) PDF Version
The deadline for submitting applications for the American Legion Auxiliary’s Scholarships is March 1st to a local Auxiliary Unit unless otherwise stated. No exceptions will be made.
Please direct any questions to for Department Scholarships.
Process of Application thru Succession
Application due to unit March 1
Certified unit entry due to department Education Chairman by March 15 **DO NOT MAIL TO THE DEPARTMENT OFFICE**
Certified department entry due to division chairman April 1